Mechanical Eng - SAE Baja Design & Competition Team
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About Baja at NMT
The Baja team at NMT is part of the four semester junior/senior design clinic series, which provides the students with ample instruction and experience in working in teams to complete design projects. Both the course content and the hands-on project work provide students with an understanding for how the mechanical design project works. It helps students understand how the design concept is created and the various steps that are then required to complete a detailed design. Students' work in the design clinic includes development of program plans that cover all the key aspects of the design process. Design clinic students must review the problem definition, objective and specification, evaluate design concepts selected and then complete a detailed design, building a prototype, and determine how well the prototype design meets the objectives.
The objective for the NMT SAE® Baja design project is to design and build a rugged, single-seat off-road vehicle for the Baja SAE® competition in 2021. The 2020-2021 design team aims to represent the quality of education obtained from New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology by ranking within the top 50th of the vehicles at competition by exhibiting the best design possible.
The 2019-2020 NMT SAE Baja Team
About SAE Baja Competition
Baja SAE® is a competition held by the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) that challenges student members with designing and manufacturing tasks, which arise when introducing a new product to the consumer industrial market. Teams spend the academic year designing and fabricating a rugged, single seat, off-road recreational vehicle for a non-professional weekend off-road enthusiast. The teams then come together at the end of the year to present their designs and compete against other universities in various events. The goal for each team in the competition is to have their design chosen for manufacturing by a fictitious firm, which is represented by the judges of the competition.
Become a Sponsor
Details on becoming a sponsor or donor of the 2020-2021 NMT SAE Baja Team, and sponsor perks.
Team Information
Frame Group members:
Cory Jenkins, Brisa Garcia, Cole Dunning, Ana Fuentes
Group Task:
Analyzing, designing, and fabricating the frame and integrating and with the other
Drivetrain Group members:
Cole Dunning, Joseph Carrillo, Brock Williams, Robinson Ford
Group Task:
Analyzing, designing, and fabricating the gearing components and the drivetrain system
of the vehicle.
Suspension Group members:
Brock Williams, Cory Jenkins, Brisa Garcia, Sean Harrington
Group Task:
Designing and fabricating the vehicles suspension and steering geometry.
Driver Controls Group members:
Joseph Carrillo, Ana Fuentes, Sean Harrington, David Kunkel
Group Task:
Designing and fabricating the vehicle control components
such as the braking system, steering assembly, and electrical system.
Robinson Ford
In addition to the annual competition the team attends events at middle and high schools around New Mexico, as well as events put on by Big Brothers Big Sisters of New Mexico, STEM Expanding Horizons, Explora!, and other regional STEM festivals and fairs.
Mechanical Engineering Outreach Activities Past and Future
2020 STEM Saturday Outreach
2019 Explora Outreach
Th NMT Baja Team started to fundraise during the 49ers weekend. They allowed people to pay a donation in order to be able to drive the 2018-2019 "Hydra" car around an obstacle course that was set up between the NMT athletic field and the NMT pool. Among the participants, President Wells and Dr.Etscorn also joined in on the action.
2019 49ers
2018-2019 Sponsors
- New Mexico Tech
- Thermal Transfer Products
- NMT Student Government
- Rainbow Ryders
- Solidworks
- NMT Mechanical Engineering Department
Contact us:
NMT Baja Team Lead
Joseph Carrillo -
Procurement Officer
Brisa Garcia -
Safety Officer
Faculty Advisor
Hollis Dinwiddie P.E.-
Team Social Media